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Puppet genjutsu

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Puppet genjutsu Empty Puppet genjutsu

Post  Rasher Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:04 pm

Name: Puppet ventriloquism
Description: the user invokes chakra to project their words from their puppet, they can alter the voice in any way they like though an occasional clicking noise may escape the puppet if concentration is not maintained though higher rank ninja have no problem with this
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: Chakra cost negligible

Name: Puppeteer masquerade jutsu
Description: A very simple jutsu that makes the puppet take the form of the user, or vice versa, the most basic of all puppetry tricks, confusing opponents and often avoiding dangerous situations, the illusion is unique in the sense that it effects anyone looking at the puppet but can be broken very easily, any strike or touch cancels the illusion for the target
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: E

Name: Chattering annoyance jutsu
Description: it’s a well established fact that many puppets tend to make chattering sounds as their wooden joints click togeather in combat, this jutsu uses that effect to exploit an advantage in terms of genjutsu. All this illusion requires is the victim being in earshot of the puppets chattering sound, the background noise serves as a method to divert attention to the incessant chattering noise, making concentration and planning in the midst of a battle very difficult
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: E

Name: Confusion dance jutsu
Description: a technique used in conjunction with the puppeteer masquerade jutsu to re-establish the opponent’s ignorance over which is the real puppet and which is the user, the illusion is triggered by simple movements mimicked from the user to the puppet in a rhythmic sort of dance which catches the victim in an illusion that makes it appear as if both take the same form (users body or puppets body) and split in to many clones before spinning and reforming back in to place, with the addition of actual movement telling which body is which becomes impossible but the dance can be interrupted
requires puppeteer masquerade
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: E

Name: Puppet chakra power
Description: Creates the illusion that masses of chakra are gathering around the puppet, making it appear either charged with chakra by itself or if disguised as the user add to the realism “a puppet cant gather chakra to its body so that must be the real one”
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: E

Name: Puppet clone technique
Description: a simple illusionary clone jutsu that applies to a puppet, the advantage over other illusionary clones is that the puppets image and sounds are replicated, since puppets give off no scent the illusion is more of a complete one, however the clones remain powerless to actually do anything aside from serve as a distraction they cast perfect shadows and even replicate damage and scuffing from the battle.
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: D

Name: Azura puppet technique
Description: a puppets ability to fight is usually dependent on the direction it faces, as often times a puppet will fire projectiles in the direction its facing so the most obvious strategy is to avoid facing the puppet directly and many experienced ninja know puppet users are often found in the direction their puppet faces away from, this illusion counteracts that disadvantage. The puppet spins once catching the opponent in an illusion that makes the puppet appear to be facing in four directions at once with additional limbs and faces, only one of which isn’t an illusion, this makes combating the puppet much more difficult as direction cannot easily be read. This illusion is not particularly powerful but is oddly difficult to break
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: D

Name: Puppet transformation jutsu
Description: a simple but effective transformation in which the user changes the appearance of the puppet to a desired form, though this is just an illusion and will disipear if either the puppet or master is struck it is element for sneaking puppets in to areas , unlike earlier jutsu the puppet can take any desired appearance that is relative to its size
Requires puppeteer masqurade
Type: Puppeteering genjutsu
Rank: C

Name: Grand stage’s bowing-out
Description: A jutsu that allows for the user to easily recall a puppet with out giving away their location, the puppet is pulled up a bit and the illusion triggers, making it appear that the strings simply pull it in to the sky and that the next puppet the user puts it descends after or is unseen as it moves from the users location to a chosen vantage point. The advantage to this jutsu is its almost always over before the victim has time to cancel it.
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: C

Name: Waltz of Puppets
Description: a simple jutsu in which tens of illusionary copies of a puppet are made around the target which rotate around them at very high speeds before slowing to a stop, distinguishing the real puppet from among all the copies is almost impossible to an untrained eye as they even move identically, as the puppet attacks so to do all the copies perform illusionary attacks
Requires puppet clone technique
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: C

Name: Puppet camouflage
Description: a technique that hides the puppet from view completely against their backgrounds as long as the user keeps them perfectly still, this is much easier to accomplish than an ordinary camouflage jutsu as the puppet can be totally still and silent while having no smell making it ideal for sneak attacks. This technique also hides any chakra strings attached to the puppet from the average ninjas eyes.
Requires puppet transformation
Type: Puppeteering genjutsu
Rank: C

Name: Flickering dance
Description: This jutsu operates a bit more cleanly than the simple clone technique, the puppet begins to sway and appears to split in to a number of flickering images till a few clones remain, this prevents the victim from spotting the real puppet, this can also be used on the user in puppet disguise so it makes for ideal get-aways, This jutsu can also be performed on a great many of the puppets projectiles mid air to make it imposible to tell where exactly they are or where they're aimed, to make a hit more likley.
Requires confusion dance
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: C

Name: Endless projectile illusion jutsu
Description: from the puppets mouth or hands the victim sees a massive, unending flood of sharp, nasty poisons projectiles, though this is an illusion real projectiles can be hidden among the fakes
Type: Puppeteering genjutsu
Rank: C

Name: Chattering madness
Description: The puppet’s chattering is magnified and thrown from all directions, this jutsu is used after the chattering annoyance jutsu draws the victims attention and serves to further the effect, the victim experiences the chattering noise so great it drowns out other stimulus, vision goes dark and the victim is drawn in to the chattering noises causing them to experience total distraction, they become unable to tell what direction the puppet is coming from for a limited time, a loud noise surpassing that of the droning chattering, such as an explosion, can break this illusion
Requires chattering annoyance and puppet ventriloquism
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: C

Name: Invincible puppet jutsu
Description: This jutsu can be triggered when an opponent attacks the puppet, the puppets body becomes as if indestructible before the victim's eyes, any new damage received is not shown to the victim, striking the puppet feels as if the user were striking an immovable object, even if the puppet is actually damaged or moved away, the illusion persists until the puppet is destroyed but only effects one individual at a time. This technique also instills panic in the user as the illusion causes them to feel as though the puppet is unbreakable, and the fight is therefore un-win-able for them, this often leads them to abandon the futility of striking the puppet.
Requires puppet chakra power
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: B

Name: Deception dance
Description: The user can easily switch between a camouflaged state and easily distract opponents, as the puppet is in motion the user employs the flickering dance technique to distract the victim so that they can both create an illusionary clone and camouflage the real puppet, it appears as though the puppet moves along in a strait line and veers slightly, but in reality it has stopped moving and been replaced with a fake that can be sent on a wild goose chase, this is ideal for get-aways as the illusion does not require the users control and will give an entirely convincing withdrawal, coupled with sounds from the treetops of the fleeing puppeteer, who has an illusionary clone to match
Requires flickering dance, puppet clone, and puppet camouflage
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: B

Name: Chattering Waltz
Description: The victim is first ensnared in the chattering madness jutsu to distract them as the puppet circles around them, splitting in to many clones which orbit around the victim, intensifying the madding noise and making the victim disoriented, then the circling puppets begin to fire attacks from all sides, only one of which is actual, this assassination technique is deal for locking down and paralyzing opponents but requires the chattering madness jutsu to catch on first
Requires flicking dance and chattering madness
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: B

Name: Disassembling clone jutsu
Description: a simple genjutsu that can be triggered when the victim strikes an illusionary clone of the puppet with an attack, the illusion appears to split in to puppet parts rather than disappear, these parts then unfold in to blades and fly at the victim at high speeds, the technique can be triggered with many clones at once and allow a camouflaged puppet to attack but the advantage is that the illusionary blades produce real pain and shock, and happen nye instantaneously regardless of the victims ability to dodge, though this will not inherently stop more durable ninja it can easily stun or slow targets enough for the puppet to land a real blow
Requires puppet clone and flickering dance
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: B

Name: puppet’s second skin
Description: an elementary jutsu that triggers if the puppet or user is damaged, they can make it appear that any cuts or tears in the body reveal wood in place of blood or vice versa, making it appear that they have struck the wrong target , what makes this jutsu higher rank than most like it is that it mimics heat and scent as well as bypassing the users pain from being damaged and is triggered automatically once prepared on the aggressor, triggering the instant they take damage, also victims traped in the illusion can be made to assume that it is a puppet controlling another puppet
Requires puppet transformation
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: B

Name: Captive puppet manipulation technique
Description: A highly advanced genjutsu that brings to mind the ultimate irony in fighting a puppet master. Once triggered the victim experiences their skin suddenly peeling away like dried paper, revealing a wooden jointed body like a puppets. They experience sudden paralysis and collapse to the ground unable to move until chakra strings shoot from the user in to the joints of the victim, causing them to stand. Then the victim is left powerless to obey the puppet masters strings until the illusion is broken. As impressive as this may seem establishing the illusion and triggering it can be rather difficult. The victim’s attention must shift from the puppet to the user and have direct eye contact with the vitim, this triggers their going limp so that chakra strings can be used to manipulate their limp state, in reality all it does is allow the victims body to become relaxed and manipulated by the users puppetry technique in a state of hypnotic suggestion, in addition to the typical methods of breaking a genjutsu the chakra strings being severed will also break the illusion partially, causing the victim to fall down as if inanimate. This jutsu cannot be applied to multiple victims at a time.
Requires puppetry technique (from the other global puppetry tree) and chattering waltz or chained mind (from the global genjutsu tree)
Type: Puppeteering Genjutsu
Rank: A

Posts : 90
Join date : 2012-09-07
Age : 31

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